Crowd Fund Request Guide
Before you begin, seek the permission of the person, organisation or community you wish to raise funds for.

By proxy, you may be held liable for any misuse of raised funds.
At least 2 photos are required of the beneficiaries or surrounding the theme of the fund.

Permission must have been sought, and granted, to use and publicly display these photos.
Decide on a good title for your crowd fund.

This should clearly capture the purpose or cause for which the crowd fund is being requested.
Ensure you clearly state your affiliation with the beneficiaries of the fund.

You are expected to be familiar with the details of their plight, needs or goals.
Do not start funds based on hearsay, or for social media clout.

You may cause unnecessary offence, or embarassment, to any perceived beneficiaries involved.
Clearly describe the purpose of the crowd fund. Take time to write and revise your descrption as this will be your pitch to contributors.
Once you are satisfied with your request, you may publish your crowd fund.

The request will then be submitted to the ZeeBay team for approval.