Terms and Conditions - ver. 2021.09.23
- General User Terms of UsageA user is defined as anyone browsing or using the services of the ZeeBay platform covering, but not restricted to, guests, buyers, sellers and ZeeBay staff on the ZeeBay platform.
- All users are solely responsible for any information provided to ZeeBay and any consequences of that information.
- All users commit to never harass, badger, intimidate any other user of the ZeeBay platform.
- All users are forbidden from using the ZeeBay platform to harvest or scrape information including by not restricted to imagery, product specifications and user details.
- All users are forbidden from using the ZeeBay logo, or name, in any marketing materials and campaigns, without the written permission of ZeeBay.
- All users are forbidden from copying, modifying or distributing another users content without their prior consent.
- By using the platform, all users implicitly grant ZeeBay staff consent to use their content without any restrictions.
- Individual users can only have a single user account on the ZeeBay platform, regardless of the account status.
- Organisational users can have multiple user accounts, provided they are under a single seller ID, on the ZeeBay platform.
- Where multiple user accounts or seller IDs are held, in breach of the terms above, all the associated user accounts shall be terminated.
- All accounts are non-transferable. Where the original holder is no longer the active user, ZeeBay reserves the right to close the account without notice.
- Noone shall charge a user a fee for opening, or assisting in opening, an account. The registration of all accounts is free of charge.
- Any real monetary fees paid are non-refundable.
- Any held credits / tokens are non-refundable. Where credits / tokens have been purchased, they cease to hold any monetary value and only exist and hold value in a virtual context.
- Any credits / tokens used to consume services are non-refundable, even where actions have been initiated in error.
- The virtual value of held credits / tokens can be adjusted without notice, so long as it maintains the relative buying power between existing users.
- The virtual cost to consume services can be adjusted without notice.
- No user shall use any bot, scraper or automated means to access ZeeBay without prior written consent.
- No user shall harvest information, including by not restricted to names and email addresses, without prior written consent from ZeeBay.
- No user shall bypass, or attempt to bypass, any access restrictions or security measures on the ZeeBay platform.
- It is the users perogative to report and persue any violations made against them with the authorities.
- ZeeBay undertakes to assist its users, through the relevant authorities, with any information relevant to resolving their case.
- All users consent to and grant ZeeBay the authority and discretion to release any of their information to the authorities.
- All users consent to and grant ZeeBay the right to permanently revoke their access to the ZeeBay platform without notice or consultation.
- Any user in disagreement with any element outlined in the terms and conditions or privacy policy shall be taken to be in disagreement with the containing document in its entirety.
- When in disagreement, with the terms and conditions or privacy policy, the user shall immediately stop using the ZeeBay platform.
- On ceasing to use the platform, the user shall not be entitled to a refund, of any fees paid, in the event of disagreeble elements in the terms and conditions or privacy policy as it stands or in future amendments.
- On ceasing to use the platform, the user shall be entitled to any outstanding revenue resulting from sales of their products, less any fees due to ZeeBay. With any such funds being processed using the schedule that existed at the time the user stopped using the platform.
- Buyer Terms of Usage
- The buyer undertakes to follow safe shopping practices as published on the ZeeBay safe shopping guide.
- Unless stated otherwise, in the product listing, all products listed shall be assumed to be sold "as is" and without warranty, regardless of the condition.
- Where a product is sold by bidding, the buyer shall not bid on any product or service they do not intend to buy.
- Where a product is sold by bidding, the buyer shall be held liable for payment due on any bids they may win, failure of which may result in the banning of the user from further usage of the ZeeBay platform.
- A buyer shall not purchase any product or service that is deemed to be illegal in terms of Zimbabwean law. The availability of a product or service on the ZeeBay platform, does not imply its legality to trade.
- The buyer indemnifies ZeeBay from any loss, perceived or otherwise, they may incur due to the unavailability of or challenges faced by the ZeeBay platform.
- ZeeBay reserves the right to extend the duration of any auction, provided the auction is not yet closed.
- Seller Terms of Usage
- The seller undertakes to follow safe shopping practices as published on the ZeeBay safe shopping guide.
- A seller shall not list any product or service they do not have the owners permission to sell.
- A seller is solely responsible for any chosen business or seller name under which their listings will be posted on ZeeBay. Where a dispute arises with a claimant to the given business or seller name, the seller shall bear all costs arising in settling the dispute.
- The seller undertakes to ensure that their chosen business or seller name does not infringe upon, or violate, any other party's legal right to the specified name as a name, phrase or acronym.
- A seller is solely responsible for any information provided to ZeeBay and any consequences of their listing.
- A seller shall clearly note, on their product listing, any products that are replicas or imitations of other products. This includes products where the brand name or logos may be confused with those of other products.
- A seller shall clearly note, on their product listing, any products that are miniatures or giants, within their product category. The product listing imagery shall also include a common object, used as a reference for sizing.
- A seller grants ZeeBay the right to modify any listing to conform to the platform standards, including but not limited to grammatical, conventional and legal standards.
- Where modifications to a listing have been made by ZeeBay, the seller still retains full responsibility for their listing as published.
- The seller shall honour winning bids on any product or service they sell through bidding, failure of which may result in the banning of the user from further usage of the ZeeBay platform.
- A seller shall not list any product or service that is deemed to be illegal in terms of Zimbabwean law. The availability of similar products or services on the ZeeBay platform, does not imply their legality to trade.
- A seller shall not forward or supply any information they have on any buyer they have interacted with, through the ZeeBay platform, to any third party.
- The only exception to the above being where a crime has been committed and the recipient is a recognised authority.
- Adding to the exception above, the seller shall inform ZeeBay of the circumstances leading to an information disclosure, furnishing ZeeBay with a copy of any buyer information disclosed and the name of the recipient authority, within a week of such a disclosure.
- To increase buyer safety and fulfil legal requirements, ZeeBay shall collect KYC information from all sellers on the platform.
- The seller indemnifies ZeeBay from any loss, perceived or otherwise, they may incur due to the unavailability of or challenges faced by the ZeeBay platform.
- ZeeBay retains the right to take down any product listing without reason, without warning and without refund. The seller undertakes to ensure that their listing conforms to the legal and platform guidelines and constraints.
- Ratings and Reviews
- A user commits to only rate or review sellers they have interacted with through the ZeeBay platform.
- A user commits to only rate or review products or services they have sourced through the ZeeBay platform.
- ZeeBay cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or correctness of any ratings or reviews posted on its website or in its related publications.
- As such, any ratings or reviews should not be taken as an endorsement of a particular seller, product or service.
- A prospective buyer commits to exercise due diligence, beyond reviews and ratings, and indemnifies ZeeBay from any purchase decision made.
- A user shall not pay or reward any user, of the ZeeBay platform, to post a rating or review on the ZeeBay platform.
- A user shall not accept payment or reward from any person, even outside of the ZeeBay platform, to post a rating or review on the ZeeBay platform.
- Payments
- Any payments, whatsoever, made outside of ZeeBay are at the full risk of the buyer.
- Further to the above, a prospective buyer indemnifies ZeeBay from any losses that may be incurred through any interactions with a prospective seller.
- In the absence of payment, issuance of an order does not reserve the availability of the products or services ordered. An unpaid order can thus only be fulfilled when acted on in a timely fashion.
- Where proof of payment is required, in combination to the proof, a recognised identity document such as a National ID or Passport must be produced.
- Confirmation of payment requires the payment to reflect in the account, or wallet of the service provider, before any products are released or services are rendered.
- Notifications
- All users of the platform implicitly consent to receiving notifications from ZeeBay.
- Notifications include, but are not limited to, SMSes, emails and physical mails manually or automatically generated by the ZeeBay platform or originated by ZeeBay staff.
- All users take sole responsibility for the contents of any notification forwarded on their behalf, where ZeeBay plays an intermediaty role, such as seller to buyer chats.
- ZeeBay indemnifies itself from any loss, perceived or otherwise, to its users incurred as a direct or indirect result of any notification received from ZeeBay.
- System Manipulation and Testing
- The use of any fingerprinting, enumeration, fuzzing or hacking tools against the platform is expressly forbidden.
- ZeeBay also expressly forbids the testing, circumvention or manipulation of any part of its platform or collaborating systems.
- It is ZeeBays sole discretion to classify an action, test, circumvention or manipulation of its system as malicious.
- Any user attempting to fingerprint, enumerate, test, circumvent or manipulate any part of the plaform, or collaborating systems, shall be taken to be a malicious user.
- Any such user shall bear any consequences or costs following from any action classified as malicious, regardless of the nobility of their intent.
- Any such identified users will have their information passed on to the relevant authorities and service providers for their action.
- ZeeBay reserves the right to immediately disable access and credentials for any such user without warning or recourse.
- Any party expressly granted permission, in writing, to perform security related testing shall be exempt from the above clauses, within this section, only for the agreed duration and within the agreed scope of testing.