GSB Bike Helmet
- Brand
- Categories
- Condition
- Sold as Used
- Sold
- Per Unit
- Bid Increment
- 1.00 1,000.00
- Minimum Bid
How Is It Calculated?
- Current Bid
USD 50.00 No ZWL Bidding
- Full face helmet
- Clear visor
- All bids are binding and cannot be withdrawn.
- Failure to honour bids will have consequences.
- If a bid is posted within 4 minutes of the end time, the end time is extended to the bid time plus 4 minutes.
- When the end time is extended, the above rule still applies.
- If no bids are placed within 4 minutes of the end time, the auction will automatically close.
- Your Bid Cap
Auction is closed
All payments are Cash on Delivery or Collection
Sold motorbike no need for the helmet.
Bidding Rules
Please read the
bidding guide to understand how participate
Bid Leaderboard
No bids have been made
Shipping Provided by Seller
- Free Options
- Collection from Mount Pleasant
- Free Delivery within Mount Pleasant
Know Your Seller
Roshan Chapaner
no reviews yet
Safety Tips
- Please meet in a public place to inspect and collect your purchase.
- Never directly transfer money to a seller before the exchange.